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Evidence: How CDC Buried Vaccine Death Data

Today on Frontline Health we interview John Beaudoin, an electrical engineer and author of “The Real CdC.”

On January 18, 2022, Cassidy, a seven-year-old girl died from COVID-19 complications in Massachusetts. Her story was broadcast on local networks. Beaudoin saw it too, but he had questions.

“I’m thinking, for everything I know about the data, there’s no way a seven-year-old girl died from COVID,” he said.

Beaudoin ran eight public records requests.

“I ran them through other people so that the state wouldn’t deny me,” he said.

That’s how he was able to obtain the entire death certificate database of Massachusetts with no redactions, from the year 2015 through 2022. At the time, he says it was a total of 420,000 records. Cassidy’s cause of death was in there too. Her death certificate vaguely listed “complications of coronavirus-19 viral infection.”

“Okay, well, what kind of complications? Why didn’t they list anything like pneumonia [or] ARDS?” he said.

“Why is there nothing else listed? Did she have a heart attack? How does somebody die from COVID with no other symptoms?”

Beaudoin decided to turn to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). After running a few requests, he came upon one record that could have belonged to Cassidy.

“The report was made on January 15th, that’s a couple days, two or three days before she died.”

This particular VAERS record describes a 7-year-old girl vomiting for 8-10 hours after her first COVID-19 vaccine injection. After her second injection, she had severe abdominal pain, 103 degree fever and no bowel movement for three days.

If this VAERS record actually belongs to Cassidy, then her cause of death should have been listed as a vaccine.

“I want to know, is that the same girl? The state won’t tell me so I’m suing the governor of the state, the public health commissioner, chief medical examiner and four individual medical examiners.”

But Cassidy’s case “was the tip of the iceberg,” says Beaudoin. He has uncovered many more questionable death certificates in the Massachusetts death database that have not attributed “vaccine” as the cause of death when there was evidence of severe vaccine reaction.

“It’s not willful ignorance,” Beaudoin said.

“This is intentional withholding of information from the public that would save the lives of the public.”

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Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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