After figuring out how to be a halfway decent college student following a disturbing C- record in high school, my attitude was tainted by an ardent fear that I didn’t have the raw skills to earn a living. Also, I was a little paranoid. I didn’t feel I would be able to co-exist with a bad boss. I shirked my degree in accounting to opt for sales. I felt that all that really mattered was producing profit. Logic told my little brain they would think twice before they’d get rid of me if I was bringing in the cash.
Generally, I was right. But I didn’t realize that power over others produces an inexplicable tendency to corruptness—even at the expense of an owner.
The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings
It was best decision of my 21-year-old life. Because I was scared of failing, I outworked everyone-often 7 days a week knocking on doors and visiting most of the offices in and around downtown Denver. Given my own office and secretary, I made the top ten sales list of Aetna Life and Casualty for first year sales. Fast forward 48 years and that formula has saved my arse many a time.
Don’t get me wrong. It hasn’t all been blueberry pie with peaches a la mode. There were times I doubted my survival. At one point, I faced more heat than Trump on CNN.
I refused to give up. I got help. Things gradually got better. I got back on the horse and won a few races.
I ventured:
Writing quotes and jokes many of which were published in Reader’s Digest, The National Enquirer and Forbes.
Stand-up comedy.
Owning a quarry and asphalt business
Political OPEDS.
Started The Dave Weinbaum Show almost ten years ago.
I want to focus on the radio program, a battle that put me at odds with my fate.
Its first airing was December Third, 2008. I was granted ½ hour. My businesses were my show sponsors. I didn’t know anything about broadcasting but I knew I eventually wanted a political talk show.
I was so bad my first outing, Mike Thompson, station manager called me into his office. He said if I didn’t do better in my next appearance I would no longer have a show.
My effort never waned. I always prepared as well as I could and never “MAILED IT IN” something I can’t say for some of the other “talent.” I started gaining sponsorships. I was selling again!
Along about the Eighth year, station owner Robert Mahaffey told me that my show had the highest revenue than any of the other programs on his station. Hell, that meant I was outselling The St. Louis Cardinals, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Because I was maxed out on advertising space on my show, I began asking for more time.
My column published on January 11th 2018 expressed more excitement than Harvey Weinstein with a bevy of cute starlets in his hotel suite.
I was rewarded with two hours and the honor of opening for Rush and Hannity.
Just when the world is in the palms of your hands your nose begins to itch
Enter new radio manager. He decided to mess with my show content and show interviews with less than an hour and fifteen minutes before I was scheduled to be on air.
This was Friday. On Tuesday, station Owner Robert Mahaffey, a man who benefited to the tune of the $2,000,000 from my sales and my businesses over 43 years, called me in a rage. He tried to eviscerate me like he’s done many times to people who couldn’t or wouldn’t fight back.
He cancelled the best and most profitable show he’s ever had because I didn’t take well to the show-day meddling his manager.
More to come~